Jacki Elledge
Jacki Elledge
Jacki Elledge, a fitness instructor and master coach,
has worked in the natural health, nutrition and fitness industries for the past 29 years including work as a certified massage therapist and childbirth doula.
Her passion is lifestyle wellness.
Her philosophy is being active.
Keeping well and fit impacts everything we do
in life. Elledge progressed in her devotion to
movement by opening Moving with Jacki, a
business that provides Yoga and Nordic Walking
education and community movement based
Through demos, classes, consultations and trainings she is able to coach adult movers of all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels.
Additional Fields of Study:
Positive Body Yoga
Experiential Anatomy
Non-violent Communication
Eating Disorder Recovery
Advanced Certifications:
RYT500 and E-RYT200, ACE, Relax and Renew®
1&2, Yoga Warriors®, S.O.A.R., Y12SR, Fitness
and Sport Level Nordic Walking Trainer, Nordic
Walking Now Team Trainer, Keenfit Coach,
Balance Walking Master Coach, Nordic Walking
Instructor of the Year